The Perfect Fun Keepsake For Pet Owners: Crown And Paw
Ello, folks! I hope that you all enjoyed your weekend with family. Today I wanted to share with you Crown And Paw, an amazing company that crafts keepsakes of your pets.
Turn a favorite picture of your pet into a one of a kind renaissance masterpiece with Crown and Paw pet portraits! These portraits are a unique way for pet owners to express their love, adoration, and even their obsessiveness, with their beloved pets.
Crown and Paw curates authentic 19th century portraits and rare Renaissance era oil paintings and digitally combines them with pet photos, creating an incredibly life like work of art.
Simply choose a costume, upload a photo and a talented team of artists will do the rest to capture the individual characteristics and facial features of your pet to express their unique personality.
I was so excited to see how this would turn out and I could not be happier with the result. They really captured Ike perfectly in his new portrait.
Of course, I went with the Crown and paw military design since my boy is named Ike. To get started with your design all you need to do is upload a good picture of your fur baby's face.
Select the costume that you want and place the order. Before you know it you will have an amazing canvas to hang or sit out for everyone to enjoy. We have a self that is dedicated to dogs and I included Ike's picture there.